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Coralie is taking the floor ! – Rugby Africa’s backstage is her area. You know very well Coralie van den Berg, she is in charge of the logistics for almost 4 years. As the General Assembly is coming, we took the opportunity to ask her a couple of questions. Between two meetings, she took some time to answer :
(Rugby Africa) – How the General Assembly is getting ready ?
(Coralie van den Berg) I must start by thanking Dave Gilbert and the Botswana Rugby Union who are welcoming this 12th edition of Rugby Africa’s General Assembly. The event will unfold in a wonderful place bringing together nature, relaxation and work. Rugby Africa’s team are preparing for the General Assembly in many ways. First, there is a lot of administrative work to be done to ensure that all the unions’ representatives can reach Kasane without problem. It is a question of booking the flights and applying for the visas. Then, we are working on establishing the best possible schedule for a particularly busy week. It will start by a two days workshop for Rugby Africa’s staff and World Rugby’s representatives, followed by the Executive Committee meeting, then a workshop day on different themes for all the delegates and will finally the General Assembly will conclude the event on December, 3rd.
– What will be the main subject this year ?
This year, Rugby Africa will propose a new strategic plan, so we intend to ask the unions’ representatives some strategic questions, listen to their feedback and see how to best integrate it in our plan.
– Practically speaking how does a General Assembly Meeting unfold ?
The General Assembly has a well determined format, dictated by Rugby Africa’s Constitution. It starts with the signature of the attendance sheet and the confirmation of the quorum. Then, the President will open the session and will be followed by other Executive Committee’s representatives who will deliver their reports. After the assessment, the perspectives for the year or the years coming will be detailed. The audited accounts will be approved by the Assembly, the membership applications will be review and all the questions exuding from the ordinary members of the Assembly will be received. If needed, the Assembly will be able to vote.
– Why is it that important that all the countries meet like this ?
The organisation of annual General Assemblies in the national unions or every two years for the confederation is a token of good governance. It provides a forum where assessments and evaluations are discussed and a good opportunity to remind us all of our common vision and decide on major strategic orientations for the organization. In view of the size of our association, it is a rare opportunity for the representatives of all our unions to gather and exchange ideas and viewpoints, experience and convivial moments.
– What are the key point during this Assembly ?
Consolidate the good governance in Africa is our priority because it’s the basis of successful and healthy growth for our unions.
– What will be the challenge to raise ?
The administrative and financial management systems everywhere in Africa are for now rather rustic and our challenge will be to provide better tools and procedures, to professionalize the approach and to standardise methods across the board .
– After the difficult year Rugby Africa just spent, is the General Assembly a good moment to gather as a team ?
Of course, 2016 was gruelling and Rugby Africa is still bereaved. We will obviously take time to honour the memory of Jean-Luc Barthés and Erick Situma who left us too soon but also to gather strength and imagine the future together.
– Which new ideas will this Assembly bring to our rugby fans all over Africa ?
Rugby Africa has got some exciting news in store regarding its competitions format from 2017. More competitions, better quality, that’s the spirit !
– 15 a side rugby, 7 s rugby, Women’s rugby, GIR ? Which themes will be leading during this new year ?
Get Into Rugby is a true success story in Africa and we want to capitalize on it. By allowing young boys and girls to play with the oval ball from a young age, we are building a sustainable future for the Game and protecting and promoting the ethos and values of rugby. We want to encourage our unions to focus on development and to engage with the youth of their countries.
– To Rugby Africa, 2017 will be the year of… ?
A revival, enthusiasm, rugby everywhere and for everybody !
The General Assembly will take place in Kasane, Botswana from November 28th to December 4th.