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Kenya makes history – We knew the Kenyans were determined, motivated, ready to eat lion; they proved it again on Sunday, April 17th. In Singapore no one could have stopped them, after beating the French 28 – 7, our Africans met the Argentinean in Cup semi-final. It was a Close match and a new victory 15 to 12 for Kenya flying away to the Cup final to face Fiji. Kick off at 19:38, 15 minutes later the Kenyans had made history. 30 to 7, landslide victory for the most famous rugby dancers. This is how they won the first Cup of the history of Kenya.
Reactions weren’t late to come…
“A brilliant, confident and powerful effort has earned #TeamKenya a richly deserved #Singapore7s victory. Hongera. Way to go! #Kenya7s”
Uhuru Kenyatta, president of the Republic of Kenya
“I am so proud of our brothers in Kenya who made history in Singapore.”
Oregan Hoskins, South African Rugby Union’s chairman, World Rugby’s vice-chairman
“This victory is a pride for all the Kenyan people but also for all Africa. We are proud of the determination of the team and of the Kenyan Rugby Union. They crossed a long way difficult full of pitfalls but they have never hung their head and today they amply deserve this victory.”
Abdelaziz Bougja, Rugby Africa’s chairman
“We have worked very hard under very difficult circumstances to get to where we are and are grateful for the support we have received from all of you.”
Richard Omwela, Kenya Rugby Union’s chairman
Same time last year, Kenya was winning the Bowl in Singapore, a small consolation in the face of the difficult season they had gone through. The Union had suffered many failure with a high turnover of coaches, but now they are back on their feet, led by a new president, Richard Omwela and a new coach Benjamin Ayimba.
Would Kenya be heading for a medal in Olympics ?
South Africa for their part won the Bronze final against Argentina scoring 28 points to 0 and ended third of the tournament. Seabelo Senatla is again crowned better scorer of Singapore 7s with 6 tries to his credit.
Finally, South Africa is second in the general ranking and Kenya is seventh. There are only two more stages in the World Rugby Sevens Series circuit : Paris and London.