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Training and Education activities are taking place in Cameroon – From December 19th to 22nd, Adama Bakhoum and Charles Yapo will be in Yaounde in Cameroon. Indeed, the union is organising a workshop for the federal technical managers.
(Rugby Africa) – This workshop in Cameroon will be a first one, how are you preparing for it ?
(Adama Bakhoum & Charles Yapo) It will depend on the people attending the workshop. As far as World Rugby educators are concerned, we must establish how many of them are still active and how to motivate the others to go back in the Game ? Then we will have to work with them to update their knowledge and upskill them with a level 1 coach & referee workshop. Educators will indeed be training PE teachers to a level 1 coach and/or referee.
We will evaluate them to assess whether they are still up to scratch to act as World Rugby’s educator. We will renew the accreditations for the successful candidates and draft an action plan for those who won’t pass.
If the attendees are mainly teachers, we will offer a Get Into Rugby training course. Thanks to this, they will be equipped to introduce rugby in schools, especially in primary and high schools.
This action, in favor of the Cameroonian Rugby Union, is a gesture of good will from Rugby Africa and the chairman, Abdelaziz Bougja. The aim is to boost a good development program despite the governance problems.
– The union went through a difficult period. Are you starting from scratch there ?
This visit will be the opportunity to assess the current situation. We will try to bring Rugby Africa’s support and if needed, to solve the remaining issues and work together in the interest of Cameroonian rugby. Of course, Cameroonian rugby will only rise through the work of Cameroonians themselves !
– Will you receive a helping hand from the union ?
The FECARUGBY showed a lot of interest for this workshop and we have no doubt that the leaders of the union will be very involved.
Plus, the union just signed a convention with the Minister of the National Education, which is a great opportunity for the GIR program.
– Will you deliver this workshop differently as it will be the first one for a long time in the country ?
It will depend on the people present. We are prepared to work with educators as we said earlier but we will adapt easily if the public has changed.
– Are you convinced of the potential of rugby in this country ?
No doubt !! Cameroon is a rugby nation. This country featured for a long time at the top level in Africa and counts many players in the French and South African championships. Cameroonian people are athletes and have many natural abilities to play rugby and reach the highest levels. They will have to manage their internal problems which have been hampering the growth of the Game and have frustrated the thousands of rugby lovers there.